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Best Value

VIP Hounds



Every month

Valid until canceled

4 Credits a MONTH

Choose from Training, Pack Hike, 60 or 30 min Walk

Priority booking

20% off any additional services booked

20% off Merch & Products

Once a month MEMBERS HIKE

Most Popular

Premium Hounds



Every month

Valid until canceled

2 credits a MONTH

Choose from Training, Pack Hike, 60 or 30 min Walk

10% off any additional services booked

10% off Merch & Products

Once a month MEMBERS HIKE

Loyal Hounds



Every month

Valid until canceled

1 Credit a MONTH

Choose from Training, Pack Hike, 60 or 30 min Walk

5% off additional services booked

5%off Merch & Products

Pack Memberships

  • VIP Hounds

    Every month
    • 4 Credits a MONTH
    • Choose from Training, Pack Hike, 60 or 30 min Walk
    • Priority booking
    • 20% off any additional services booked
    • 20% off Merch & Products
    • Once a month MEMBERS HIKE
  • Premium Hounds

    Every month
    • 2 credits a MONTH
    • Choose from Training, Pack Hike, 60 or 30 min Walk
    • 10% off any additional services booked
    • 10% off Merch & Products
    • Once a month MEMBERS HIKE
  • Loyal Hounds

    Every month
    • 1 Credit a MONTH
    • Choose from Training, Pack Hike, 60 or 30 min Walk
    • 5% off additional services booked
    • 5%off Merch & Products

Thank you for choosing Hiking Hounds Of Bend! I hope you and your pup are truly satisfied with my services. Please provide feedback so I'm able to continue to deliver the best services possible!

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